Disclaimer and License Conditions

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Revision as of 20:40, 18 March 2023 by Laschp (talk | contribs) (Created page with "You are using the mat2dcorr toolbox at your own risk! There is no responsibility for damages, problems etc. resulting from use of this code. Furthermore, there is also no warranty for bug-free operation, fitness for a particular purpose or the appropriate behavior of the program. Please report software bugs, inconsistencies or suggestions for new functions to ''lasch at peter-lasch.de''. The software is distributed under the CC-BY-NC license (Creative Commons, Attributi...")
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You are using the mat2dcorr toolbox at your own risk! There is no responsibility for damages, problems etc. resulting from use of this code. Furthermore, there is also no warranty for bug-free operation, fitness for a particular purpose or the appropriate behavior of the program. Please report software bugs, inconsistencies or suggestions for new functions to lasch at peter-lasch.de.

The software is distributed under the CC-BY-NC license (Creative Commons, Attribution + Noncommercial)

All trademarks mentioned are property of their owners.